Graduation Data:
As of Fall 2005, DCP has graduated 94 students--100% of whom were accepted to four-year universities and
89% of whom are currently on track to earning a four-year degree.
API (Academic Performance Index):
School Year 2004-05: API growth of 90 points/ Similar Schools
Rank of 10/10
School Year 2003-2004: API growth of 38 points/ Similar Schools Rank of 10/10
School Year 2002-2003: API growth of 22 points/ Similar Schools Rank of 9/10
CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam)
All DCP Students:
95% passed math portion vs. 75% pass rate district-wide vs. 74%
statewide pass rate
95% passed English portion vs. 80% pass rate district-wide
vs. 76% statewide pass rate |
Only DCP Latino Students:
83% passed math portion vs. 54% pass rate district-wide
vs. 53% statewide pass rate
82% passed English vs. 49% pass rate district-wide vs. 51%
statewide pass rate |
AP Spanish Exams
In both 2003 & 2004, 100% of students passed the Advanced Placement Spanish Exam |
CELDT Data (California English Language Development Test)
DCP has 84% of its students meeting the criteria for proficiency
San Jose Unified has 43% of its students meeting the criteria for proficiency |